The Witches Mountain

The Witches Mountain | Short Bits Vol. 19

The Witches Mountain (1973) (orig. El monte de las brujas) – Director: Raúl Artigot – 3/10 (very mediocre/bad)
Though the work apparently undertakes to set up the right mood by introducing multiple longueurs and by applying certain ellyptical gambits, evidently essaying to emphasize the supernatural nature of its tale, the said tactics are not subsequently followed up by a suitably robust execution. Prescinding from the fact that the storyline in essence does not make much sense, the narrative likewise suffers from some genuinely paltry editing which entails that some of the motion picture borders on being downright incomprehensible and abounds in gaping plot holes with certain scenes appearing to have been bisected with a chainsaw; the direction often turns out quite helpless in its otiose attempts at taking the viewer aback by intercutting certain sequences directly related to the principal plotline with some action the meaning of which is never clarified. Some scenes come out of nowhere and go nowhere insofar as it is hard to tell whether the storytelling is inadvertently this tortuous or if the mystifying upshot is the intended creative choice here. At the end of the day, it is a matter of taste how one responds to this mixed bag of a composition, however, I account a large portion of it to be too garbled and stylistically inert to be of much merit; the overarching perplexity fails to evoke the intended atmosphere and the climax ultimately proves immensely disappointing.

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