
Virtuosity | Short Bits Vol. 32

Virtuosity (1995) Director: Brett Leonard – 5/10 (okay/decent)
Regrettably, the flick completely fails to live up to its full potential by reason of getting stunted by its infuriatingly bromidic script, eventually succumbing to its action-oriented proclivities and devolving into yet another meaningless, otiose exercise in mainstream pop culture extravaganza. The primary attraction of the entry lies in Russell Crowe‘s showing who turns in probably one of the best performances of his career: he basically owns this picture, exuding sardonicism insofar as it invigorates the otherwise nondescript tale. It is a bit of a shame his performance here is confined to such an insipidly gestated movie: had Virtuosity opted for a more satirical approach with none of that clichéd nonsense, this probably would have turned out a bona fide classic. Instead, Crowe’s outstanding portrayal of the absolute psychopath running amok constitutes the only real reason to watch this painfully run-of-the-mill actioner.

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