SOYLENT GREEN Main Theme by Fred Myrow

Richard Fleischer’s 1973 dystopian sci-fi classic SOYLENT GREEN is set in the year 2022 where the climate has been ruined by the greenhouse effect, oceans are dying out and poverty has skyrocketed. The city of New York has become overpopulated (40 million citizens) and alternate rations are being supplied by the Soylent Corporation. Their best selling products are Soylent Red, Soylent Yellow and the new Soylent Green, which is made from high quality sea plankton.

NYPD detective Robert Thorn (Charlton Heston) lives with an old friend “Sol” Roth (Edward G. Robinson) a scholar who often assists him with his cases. Thorn’s latest investigation involves the murder of William Simonson, a wealthy director at Soylent Corp. Thorn interviews several of Simonson’s acquaintances and as he gets deeper into the case, he discovers that there is some very disturbing secrets behind the reason for the mysterious death involving his successful company.

SOYLENT GREEN is one of three dystopian/future films Heston made in the late 60s/early 70s. The others being Planet of The Apes (1968) and The Omega Man (1971). It is equally as entertaining and fun as those, bringing yet another spin on the political/social themes that show a world altered due to human overconsumption and/or wrecklessness.

This was Edward G. Robinson’s 101st film, it was also his last. He died 12 days after filming wrapped, January 26, 1973. Robinson only revealed his illness to one person on the set, Charlton Heston, and actually did it before the death scene of his character Sol. Robinson knew this would help increase Heston’s emotions for his performance.

Fred Myrow’s opening theme for the film is one of our favorites as it is a unique melange of sounds featuring instruments like horns, electric violin and synthesizers. Like many pop movies of the 70s it also features a driving funky beat and starts the seedy sci-fi mystery with high energy and panache.


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